Explore the Power of Gemstones 

Welcome to our Gemstone Details page, where you can uncover the unique properties and energies of each precious stone in our collection. Gemstones have been revered for centuries for their ability to influence our well-being, balance our energies, and enhance our spiritual journey. Here, you'll find in-depth information about the healing properties, benefits, and significance of each gemstone. Whether you're looking to attract love, boost confidence, or find inner peace, let these detailed descriptions guide you in choosing the perfect stone to complement your personal journey.



Amethyst is a powerful spiritual stone that brings peace and balance, making it ideal for meditation and spiritual growth. It helps calm the mind and protects against negative energies. This purple quartz enhances self-awareness and intuition, allowing you to connect more deeply with your inner wisdom. Amethyst is also commonly used to overcome bad habits and addictions. It is a stone of peace and protection that supports your spiritual journey.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love, helping to heal emotional wounds and attract loving energies. This soft pink stone promotes self-love and compassion, and helps build harmonious relationships. Rose Quartz soothes the heart and assists in letting go of pain and sorrow. It is an ideal stone for those seeking emotional healing and balance. This stone also symbolizes forgiveness and inner peace.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a stone of wisdom and inner truth, enhancing communication and self-expression. This deep blue stone strengthens intuition and helps you connect with your inner power. Lapis Lazuli is also known for its ability to open the mind and increase spiritual awareness. It promotes honesty and helps you speak your truth. Additionally, it strengthens friendships and brings harmony to relationships.


Citrine is a sunny and energetic stone that attracts abundance, positivity, and creativity. This bright yellow stone is known for its ability to manifest wealth and success. Citrine boosts self-confidence and self-esteem, helping you achieve your goals. It protects against negative energy and enhances personal power. This stone is perfect for anyone looking to bring more joy and motivation into their life.

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye is a grounding stone that enhances courage, confidence, and willpower. This golden-brown stone helps you stay focused and offers protection against negative influences. Tiger Eye promotes mental clarity and assists in making decisions in challenging situations. It balances the energies of yin and yang and strengthens inner strength. This stone is ideal for those seeking stability and personal growth.

Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine is known as the stone of luck and prosperity, attracting opportunities and promoting abundance. This green stone has a calming effect on the emotions and helps release old patterns. Green Aventurine encourages a positive outlook on life and brings emotional balance. It is an excellent stone for those who want to open up to new possibilities and growth. This stone also supports physical healing and well-being.


Selenite is a spiritual stone that aids in energy cleansing and mental clarity. This translucent stone is known for its ability to activate higher levels of consciousness and enhance intuition. Selenite is ideal for meditation and spiritual growth, as it helps connect with angels and guides. It cleanses and charges other crystals, making it an essential stone for energy work. Selenite promotes inner peace and calm.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is a grounding stone that provides strength, courage, and determination. This deep red stone helps overcome obstacles and promotes perseverance. Red Jasper protects against negative influences and supports emotional stability. It is a stone that helps achieve goals and strengthens self-confidence. This stone is ideal for anyone who needs a boost in physical energy and willpower.

Moss Agate

Moss Agate is a stone that promotes balance, stability, and connection to nature. This green stone with moss-like inclusions helps release fears and insecurities, bringing inner peace. Moss Agate supports personal growth and physical healing. It is an ideal stone for those who want to bring harmony into their lives and connect with the earth. Moss Agate is also known for its calming effect on emotions.

Snowflake Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian is a purifying stone that helps release old patterns and emotions. This black and white stone provides emotional balance and cleansing, especially during times of change. Snowflake Obsidian protects against negative energies and assists in processing traumatic experiences. It is a stone that helps find balance and release what no longer serves. This stone also strengthens the ability to learn from experiences.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is a powerful stone that amplifies and purifies energy. This transparent stone is often called the 'master healer' due to its ability to support healing and spiritual growth. Clear Quartz can be used to charge and purify other crystals and helps to enhance intentions. It promotes mental clarity and concentration, making it ideal for meditation and energy work. Clear Quartz strengthens the connection to higher consciousness.


Sodalite is a stone that enhances mental clarity and rational thinking. This blue stone helps improve communication and self-discipline, and stimulates logical thinking. Sodalite is ideal for resolving conflicts and promoting harmony in relationships. It helps release limiting beliefs and boosts self-confidence. This stone also supports spiritual growth and intuitive insights.

Green Jade

Green Jade is a stone of peace, harmony, and prosperity. This green stone promotes emotional healing and brings balance to the heart chakra. Green Jade attracts prosperity and good luck and helps release negative emotions. It is a stone that brings calm and stability, both emotionally and physically. Green Jade also supports physical health and promotes well-being on all levels.


Labradorite is a mystical stone that promotes protection and transformation. This iridescent stone strengthens intuition and helps uncover hidden truths and insights. Labradorite protects against negative energies and supports spiritual growth. It is a powerful stone for those who want to expand their consciousness and discover their inner strength. Labradorite also helps release old patterns and embrace change.


Garnet is a stone of passion, strength, and energy. This deep red stone enhances vitality and boosts self-confidence. Garnet helps overcome obstacles and achieve goals, bringing stability and protection. It is a stone that provides courage and perseverance, especially in difficult times. Garnet also stimulates creativity and brings balance to emotions.


Moonstone is a mystical stone that enhances feminine energy and intuition. This pearly stone helps balance emotions and promotes inner growth. Moonstone is ideal for new beginnings and assists in releasing old patterns. It is a stone that protects and calms, especially during times of change. Moonstone also strengthens the connection to the subconscious and the higher self.


Carnelian is a vibrant stone that boosts courage, motivation, and vitality. This orange-red stone enhances self-confidence and helps in making decisions. Carnelian stimulates creativity and passion and helps overcome fears and insecurities. It is a stone that brings energy and joy and supports achieving goals. Carnelian also protects against negative energies and strengthens personal power.

Yellow Amazonite

Yellow Amazonite is a rare, yellow-green stone that brings hope, courage, and positive energy. This stone helps balance emotions and improves communication, allowing you to express yourself more clearly. Yellow Amazonite enhances inner strength and self-confidence and helps overcome fears. It is a stone that brings optimism and joy and supports personal growth. This stone also attracts luck and prosperity.

Natural Kyanite

Natural Kyanite is a powerful stone that helps align chakras and remove energy blockages. This blue stone promotes inner peace and clarity and supports spiritual healing. Kyanite enhances intuition and helps connect with higher levels of consciousness. It is a stone that helps release fears and promotes self-expression. Natural Kyanite is also unique because it does not absorb negative energy and therefore does not need cleansing.


Prehnite is a healing stone known for its ability to offer protection and calm. This green stone strengthens intuition and helps connect with nature and spiritual guides. Prehnite is ideal for meditation and strengthening the heart chakra. It helps release fears and promotes inner peace and balance. Prehnite also supports personal growth and emotional healing.

Solar Quartz

Solar Quartz is a powerful and clear stone that promotes energy, clarity, and vitality. This stone enhances overall well-being and helps raise spiritual energy. Solar Quartz is ideal for meditation and strengthening the connection to the higher self. It helps remove negative energies and protects against harmful influences. This stone also promotes inner strength and self-confidence.

Multi Fluorite

Multi Fluorite is a versatile stone that promotes mental clarity, focus, and protection. This colorful stone helps organize thoughts and solve complex problems. Fluorite protects against negative energies and promotes emotional stability. It is a stone that helps release fear and boost self-confidence. Multi Fluorite also supports spiritual growth and strengthens intuition.

Rainbow Moonstone

Rainbow Moonstone is a powerful protective stone that enhances feminine energy and intuition. This iridescent stone helps balance emotions and promotes spiritual growth. Rainbow Moonstone protects against negative energies and supports new beginnings. It is a stone that brings inner strength and clarity, especially during times of change. Rainbow Moonstone also strengthens the connection to the subconscious and the higher self.


Turquoise is a protective and healing stone that has been valued for centuries for its ability to offer strength, courage, and protection. This blue-green stone helps promote communication and self-expression. Turquoise strengthens the immune system and promotes overall well-being. It is a stone that brings harmony to relationships and helps release negative emotions. Turquoise also supports spiritual growth and intuition.


Serpentine is a grounding stone that helps activate Kundalini energy and promote spiritual awakening. This green stone strengthens the connection to nature and promotes emotional balance. Serpentine helps release old patterns and embrace change. It is a stone that offers protection against negative energies and promotes inner strength. Serpentine also supports finding inner peace and harmony.

Rainbow Fluorite

Rainbow Fluorite is a colorful stone that provides mental clarity and protection against negative energies. This stone helps balance emotions and strengthens intuition. Rainbow Fluorite supports organizing thoughts and promoting clear thinking. It is a stone that helps release fear and boost self-confidence. Rainbow Fluorite also strengthens spiritual growth and intuitive insights.

Multi Color Rutilated Quartz

Multi-Color Rutilated Quartz is a unique stone that enhances energy and removes blockages. This quartz with golden, red, or silver inclusions helps promote spiritual growth and self-awareness. Rutilated Quartz strengthens intentions and helps manifest goals. It is a powerful stone for personal development and transformation. Multi-Color Rutilated Quartz also offers protection against negative energies and promotes inner peace.

Golden Quartz

Golden Quartz is a stone of enlightenment and spiritual wisdom. This golden stone helps raise vibrations and strengthen the connection to higher levels of consciousness. Golden Quartz promotes mental clarity and inner strength, and helps release negative energies. It is a stone that offers protection and supports spiritual growth and transformation. Golden Quartz also brings joy and optimism into life.

Disclaimer: The description of the effects of this Products is based on intuition and (traditional) experience. This information is provided as support and to promote well-being and personal development. The use of gemstones and aroma's, is not intended to replace medical treatment or medication. Always consult a physician for serious psychological or health issues.